Me? I'm the king of the twentieth century. I'm the bogeyman. The villain... The black sheep of the family"

V for Vendetta

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012


You all know him. You all probably have played at least once with him, going into castles or jumping around the world. Yes. We're talking now about Super Mario Bros.

Since 1986, when his first game was developed (although the character appeared before in a Donkey Kong game), the moustacheous plumber has gained a really astonishing fame. Nintendo, the company that ownes this character created by Shigeru Miyamoto, prepared for his 25 birthday (that took time two years ago) some special things. Now we're a bit late, but we've also prepared something: a portrayal of some curious features about Mario:

Añadir leyenda


Nuria Gispert was reelected yesterday as the president of the Parliament of the Generalitat de Catalunya (but notice that the president of the Parliament isn't the president of the government, who nowadays is Artur Mas). Because of this fact, now it's a good time to explain a little to you how catalan politics work, because they are actually a bit strange.

Last 25th of november, the Catalan people voted in elections, and we have had a period of negosiating between the leaders of the -now- two major political parties: Convergència i Unió (Convergence and Union) and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Catalan Republican Left). These negosiations seem to have reached to an end today, but these is going deeper than our first-glance to Catalan politics should be.

So to begin with, we have to stablish a two axis graph in order to understand the positioning of Catalan political parties. One of the axis is the traditional Right-Left, but the other is between more nationalists or less. So two parties that are both nationalists could differ in the other axis, and vice-versa. 

Let's take a look on that graphic to see it in a more graphical way:

domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012


Have you ever wondered where is the perfect place to live? Actually the existence of an uthopia or some kind of perfect island probably is a fake, or a dream, but not a reality. What we can do, however, is compare the realities that we ¿know? 

 Do we really know what is happening in the countries that may seem fine? We've done a comparation between four countries searching out which is the best of them to live. Canada, Brazil, Colombia and China are the countries that fight for the prize:

There's just a problem with the results of this graphic. China, which appears to be the best place, has a little issue called communism and a state of mind that could be really difficult for some of us.

sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012


There is a surpriging thing about airports that most people don't know about. Do you wonder how many seats remain empty every year in Boeings 747? Actually a lot of them. Although there are a huge number of flights around the world every day (and for information about that, you can visit this page), the people that lacks in these flights (237 millions of people) would by itself keep busy the Chicago O'Hare International Airport for such a long time as 217 days.

The thing about this is the waste of money that such a number of empty seats brings about. Specially taking into acount that a plane is not like a bus, the cost of taking off a Boeing 747 (even though the prize of fuel for this model has decreased) is elevated. The matter is just to make a reflection about unnecessary costs, unnecessary costs that maybe at the end would be paid by us.

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012


Have you ever thought about how much meat is eaten in every country around the world?

Now you have the answer. In 2002 these were the meat consumption per capita in the countries displayed in the graphic.